Sunday, July 15, 2012

I hacked Addie's blog!!!

Dear fellow bloggers, I have hacked into my friend Addie's acount so I will be blogging to you.MWAAHAHAHA! so as you can see I am EVIL!!!! So right now I'm thinking what EVIL scheme I should tell you? Ohh got it! Right now my friend Addie is righting an essay If your wandering why I'm not sure. So my EVIL scheme is...I put disappearing ink in the quill so her essay will disappear!MWAAAHAHAHA!!!! again! So I'm done and remember I'm EVIL!!! Just kidding about all of that I'm nice MAYBE!

(I found that my friend had hacked into my blog and decided that I'll post it because it was funny! And I did write an essay, it turns out that Sarah forgot to check that there was actually any ink in the bottle!! MWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!)

And i lie this blog

1 comment:

  1. I meant I like this blog.. Sorry if you were confused...
