Thursday, May 15, 2014

Still continued :)

The boy looked at him sadly and stepped in to the boat. He spoke, startling Lily. "Maybe he'll find his way back." Lily jumped. "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." She smiled. "No, its fine." Lily and Deana sat back as the boy was startled by the magic-powered oars. Hagrid had in a entirely different boat, much larger than any of theirs but of the same build.  Some girls cried. They were obviously muggle-borns. Lily felt bad for them. They had no idea what they were getting into. Lily shoved that away. Her father had probably felt the same way, and those girls were probably just afraid of something silly. Either way she tried to look for Albus and James before realizing they were neither first years nor prefects, so they would not be in boats. The lake was small but breathtakingly beautiful. They arrived. The children stepped out of the boats. Some "ooh"ed and "aah"ed but most kept their mouths shut and their eyes wide open. Hagrid looked at them for a moment. "Well what are ye waiting for?" He laughed heartily before gesturing them in.  The students were speechless. The floating candles, the beautiful galaxy above them. It was too much. They sat at the table and people started to get sorted. Deana was next. "Loche, Deana" a proffessor called. She walked up quickly but hesitated before putting on the hat. She finally put it on. It sat on her head for solid minutes, and kept going. On and on the hat thought. Finally, after a record breaking 6 minutes, the hat shouted out, "Hufflepuff!" Deana looked happily at the hufflepuff table. They smiled and she sat down next to a girl who looked like she was probably a 4rth year. After "Ila, Lois'' "Stewart, Jennifer" and "Port, Sonoma" got put into Slytherin, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, she was called. She walked up and slowly placed the hat on her head. It fully covered her face. It stunk of stale crackers and old age. "Hmm.'' the hat thought aloud. "You could be in Gryffindor, but.. you would be better in Ravenclaw." It paused. She started to whisper "Where would I be best in?" silently pointing out the hat had mentioned good and better but not best. "Hmm. A smart one. I better put you in RAVENCLAW!" it shouted. She walked over to the table to see Connor there. He beamed at her. "I told you that I would see you in the great hall." She smiled and sat next to him and a the girl Sonoma. Her twin, Pomona, was sorted into Ravenclaw and sat next to her. They chatted the whole time the empty dishes turned in to full plates, over flowing with delicious looking food. Lily looked at the food, and then Connor. "Is it always like this at meals?" He laughed. "Yep. I think you're going to like it here, especially in Ravenclaw." She looked at him. "Funny you would say that. It'd just dawned on me how odd it is, being in Ravenclaw when literally everyone else in the family is in Gryffindor." The realization hit her that she had no idea what any of the food was. She looked at Connor questioningly. "Oh. Right. Forgot you wouldn't know what this is." He held out a platter. "Try one of these. They're like muggle sandwiches, but.. well... They're different." She picked the smallest one, just in case she didn't like it, and quickly realized she was going to eat many more. It was absolutely delicious. Connor introduced her to several different foods, all of which she liked, and she made him promise to show her more tomorrow. It wasn't weird. They were really good. The platters finally dissapeared, and Lily felt more stuffed than she ever had before. They walked back to the Ravenclaw common room, and after hearing the easy riddle the door had placed for her, realized that she was definitely in the right house.

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